A seamless online consultation for prescription folliculitis treatment
No video calls necessary
$15 consult–no membership required
Medical review within 3 hours
Folliculitis can create uncomfortable symptoms around your hair follicles. But this itchy condition is highly treatable. Get on the road to relief with a convenient online consultation for prescription folliculitis treatment.

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How Dr. B treats folliculitis
Tell us about your condition with a $15 online consultation—no video call necessary.
A medical provider will review your information and prescribe treatment, if appropriate.
Pick up and pay for the medication at the pharmacy of your choice. Or, get it delivered.
How much will it cost?
Dr. B offers online consultations for $15—which is less than most copays. If a folliculitis prescription is appropriate, your out-of-pocket medication cost will depend on your insurance and where you decide to get your prescription filled. Dr. B offers a discount card when applicable to help get you the lowest prices for your medications.
* Prices shown for Mupirocin 2 % Topical Ointment (22 gram tube), a popular treatment for folliculitis, using a drug discount card. Prices may be lower with insurance.
Folliculitis treatments at Dr. B
Dr. B offers over 20 treatments for folliculitis. We’ve highlighted a few of our most popular and affordable options below, But you can choose other brand and generic medications if desired.
Clindamycin 1% is an antibiotic that works by killing the bacteria that cause folliculitis. It comes as a Clindamycin lotion, gel, foam, cream or swab.
Prescription length:
14 days, 1 refill
Apply to the affected area 3 times a day
at CVS, with a drug discount card.
Mupirocin is an antibiotic ointment that’s prescribed for skin infections like folliculitis. It works by preventing bacteria from growing and spreading.
Prescription length:
10 days, 1 refill
Apply to the affected area 3 times twice a day
Onexton contains two medicines — clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide — that work together to kill bacteria on the skin.
Prescription length:
14 days, 1 refill
Apply to the affected area 2 times a day
Clindamycin 1% is an antibiotic that works by killing the bacteria that cause folliculitis. It comes as a Clindamycin lotion, gel, foam, cream or swab.
Mupirocin is an antibiotic ointment that’s prescribed for skin infections like folliculitis. It works by preventing bacteria from growing and spreading.
Onexton contains two medicines — clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide — that work together to kill bacteria on the skin.
Prescription length:
14 days, 1 refill
Prescription length:
10 days, 1 refill
Prescription length:
14 days, 1 refill
Apply to the affected area 3 times a day
Apply to the affected area 3 times twice a day
Apply to the affected area 2 times a day
at CVS, with a drug discount card.
More Folliculitis Prescription Treatments
Looking for a different folliculitis medication? Here are some options.
Not sure which treatment may be best for you?
Complete a confidential virtual health assessment to learn more.

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“I love direct contact with patients—it’s why I chose dermatology! With ample time together, I can use my eyes and mind to diagnose their condition, like a sleuth!”

Folliculitis Questions
About Folliculitis
What is folliculitis?
Folliculitis is a skin condition often caused by a bacterial infection. This creates inflamed hair follicles and can cause itchy or uncomfortable whiteheads or red bumps where hair grows. It is sometimes referred to as hot tub folliculitis (or rash), vaginal folliculitis or barber’s itch.
If left untreated, severe infection can create sores that penetrate deep under the skin. These may lead to hair loss or permanent scarring.
What causes folliculitis?
Folliculitis usually happens when a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus infects a hair follicle and creates red, pus-filled bumps or whiteheads. Ingrown hairs, shaving or a yeast infection can also trigger this result.
Treatments include changes to your skincare routine and prescription lotions, gels or creams that you apply to the affected area.
Can you prevent folliculitis?
You can prevent folliculitis by avoiding activities that irritate the skin. These include:
- Don’t wear tight-fitted clothing that traps sweat for long periods, like wigs, high boots or rubber gloves.
- Only swim in pools or hot tubs that are clean and properly maintained.
- Shave less often or use alternative hair-removal techniques.
- Treat related conditions like hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) or dermatitis.
- Ask your doctor if long-term medications (like prednisone or corticosteroid creams) may increase skin irritation and infection.
How long does folliculitis last?
Mild cases usually improve in a few days with good self-care and medication (if needed). Prescription treatments can clear the staph infection and relieve symptoms within a few days or weeks. But the timeline depends on how mild or severe the infection is.
What are the different types of folliculitis?
There are several types of folliculitis. To find the right treatment, you have to know which type you have.
- Bacterial folliculitis is caused by Staphylococci bacteria in the hair follicle. It may require topical or oral antibiotics.
- Pseudomonas folliculitis is caused by a microorganism found in poorly-maintained hot tubs, water slides and heated pools. It usually clears up on its own in a few weeks.
- Pseudofolliculitis barbae is caused by shaving—but it usually doesn’t involve an infection. Treatment is often as simple as taking a break from shaving, changing your shaving technique or switching to laser hair removal. Topical antibiotic creams can help treat infected hair follicles.
- Pityrosporum folliculitis results from a yeast infection and may require antifungal creams.
Your medical provider can help you determine the cause of your skin problems. They can also help you figure out the best treatment and lifestyle changes to clear up symptoms.
Can folliculitis cause hair loss?
Mild cases usually clear up on their own. Moderate cases might require prescription antibiotics. Untreated severe cases can lead to permanent hair follicle damage and potential hair loss—but this is rare.
Do I have the folliculitis or…?
Folliculitis symptoms can look like other skin conditions, including acne, rosacea and scabies. When symptoms appear around hair in the genital area, it may be a question of folliculitis vs. herpes—but folliculitis is not a sexually transmitted infection (like genital herpes).
Speak to a medical provider to determine what's going on. They’ll look at your skin and ask questions about your skincare routine, recent activity and history of skin issues. Then help you find the proper treatment for your condition.
What are the prescription treatments available for folliculitis?
Antibiotic gels, foams, lotions or creams work by slowing down bacterial growth and reproduction. These include generic and brand versions of Clindamycin, Clindamycin-Benzoyl Peroxide, Clindamycin Phosphate and Mupirocin.
How is a folliculitis treatment applied?
Dr. B offers several different antibiotic treatments depending on your skin type and preferences. These include topical Clindamycin lotion prescriptions and similar gels, lotions, foams and creams. Clean and dry the affected area before applying a thin film of the medication to the skin as prescribed.
What are common folliculitis treatment side effects?
Common side effects may include dryness or peeling of treated skin, redness or other irritation, joint pain, mild burning or stinging, itching or tingling, heartburn, a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting or white patches in the mouth. These symptoms are typically mild and may taper off with time. Talk to your medical provider if they continue or worsen.
What at-home treatments are available for folliculitis?
On top of prescription antibiotic treatments, good hygiene practices can help your skin heal and recover. They can also help prevent the condition from returning.
Start by washing the skin twice a day with an antibacterial cleanser like benzoyl peroxide, then dry with a clean towel. To relieve discomfort, dip a warm washcloth in a solution of 1 tablespoon of vinegar mixed into 1 pint of water. Apply the washcloth to the affected area several times a day. Hydrocortisone cream can also help relieve inflammation and itching.
If shaving triggers the condition, take a break from shaving for a few weeks or consider alternative hair removal options. If you start shaving again, wash the skin before shaving. Use a sharp, clean razor blade and apply a large amount of shaving cream or lotion. Shave in the same direction as the hair growth. Rinse the blade in warm water after each stroke and avoid shaving the same area twice.
How can I get a folliculitis prescription online?
With 22+ brand and generic folliculitis drugs available, Dr. B can help you get the right prescription treatment so you’ll feel better soon.
To get a prescription for Clindamycin lotion online—or another medication of your choice—start an in-depth virtual health assessment. You’ll share your current symptoms and medical history. A licensed medical provider will review your assessment. If they recommend a prescription folliculitis medicine, they will send it to your pharmacy.
How much does folliculitis treatment cost?
Consultation: A virtual medical consultation for folliculitis costs $15.00, which is lower than most doctor copays. Currently, we don’t submit medical consultation claims to insurance companies. But you can use insurance for any resulting prescriptions at your pharmacy.
Medication: Dr. B only charges for the medical consultation. When medications are prescribed, we let you choose the most affordable or convenient pharmacy to fill the prescription. Prices for your medication will vary depending on your insurance coverage and whether the drug is brand or generic.
Do you accept insurance?
Right now, we don’t submit medical consultation claims to health insurance companies. But you can use insurance for any resulting prescriptions at your pharmacy.