Sobre PharmacyChecker es la única compañía independiente que verifica farmacias en línea tanto de EE. UU. como internacionales, y que compara precios de medicamentos que estas ofrecen. Nuestro trabajo de verificación y comparación de precios ha sido citado por la revista AARP, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, y muchos otros. PharmacyChecker se formó en el año 2002 cuando nuestro fundador, el médico Tod Cooperman, vio que un creciente número de estadounidenses consultaban internet para ahorrar dinero en medicamentos, pero que no contaban con la información adecuada para proteger su salud. Nosotros ofrecemos información que toma en cuenta las necesidades de los usuarios, creando un ambiente abierto a la promoción, innovación y a nuevos modelos de negocio, particularmente a aquellos que contribuyen a la salud pública.
Equipo Directivo
Tod Cooperman, MD
Director General y Fundador
El Dr. Tod Cooperman es un conocido investigador, escritor, y ponente sobre asuntos relacionados con las necesidades del consumidor en el área de la salud. Ha expuesto sobre temas de salud y nutrición ante comités del senado y ante la cámara de representantes de los Estados Unidos, y ha participado en conferencias realizadas en el Instituto Nacional de Salud de este país. El Dr. Cooperman también es fundador de, el principal evaluador independiente de suplementos dietéticos (vitaminas, minerales, herbarios, y no-herbarios), y otros productos nutritivos. También fundó CareData Re-ports Inc., compañía que se encarga de evaluar la satisfacción de los con-sumidores respecto a servicios de atención médica (actualmente una división de J.D. Powers y Asociados). El Dr. Cooperman se graduó en la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Boston, donde también recibió su licenciatura en Ciencias Médicas y Economía. Es columnista de la sección "Healthy Living" (vida sana) del Huffington Post.
Lucia Mueller
Lucia Mueller provides strategic direction and manages business operations, development, and communications at PharmacyChecker. Starting as Communications Manager for PharmacyChecker in 2017, she has worked to promote global online access to safe and affordable prescription medications, educating and warning consumers about the risks of websites that lack proper vetting. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Ask PharmacyChecker. Lucia serves on the board of directors of Prescription Justice, a nonprofit that brings together doctors, lawyers, public health and consumer advocates, and political activists dedicated to lowering drug prices in the United States.
Lucia received a Bachelor of Science in Corporate & Political Communications with certificates in Business Foundations and European Studies from the University of Texas at Austin. She completed the Institute on Business and Government Affairs program at Georgetown University.
Outside of patient advocacy, Lucia enjoys experimenting with various art mediums, helping native plants and wildlife thrive, and traveling with her friends and family. She is a certified English as a Second or Foreign Language teacher and volunteers as an English teacher at her local library. She also volunteers as an art teacher with the EArtH Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to helping underprivileged children in India.
Ross Phan, PharmD, MBA, BCACP, BCGP, BCPS
Director de verificación de farmacias e información
Dr. Ross Phan manages and oversees the PharmacyChecker International Pharmacy Verification Program. Her years of experience practicing in different pharmacy settings led to multiple board certifications, which include ambulatory care, geriatrics, and pharmacotherapy. Dr. Phan is a licensed pharmacist in the United States, holding licenses in several states (Texas, Colorado, Ohio, Wisconsin, Lousiana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Hawaii, Arkansas, and Utah), providing her with a firm understanding of various laws, rules, and regulations. As a former pharmacy manager of an independent pharmacy, Dr. Phan successfully oversaw a compliant and safe practice, which is evident from the positive reports during inspection visits. She also utilized her core competency in research to adapt her extensive experience in developing, updating, and maintaining documents to ensure policy improvement, quality assurance, and regulatory compliance. Dr. Phan is also the founder of Off Script Consults, a pharmacy consulting business. Achievements include presenting accurate, balanced, and high-quality content in an engaging way that addresses questions relating to pharmacy, drug safety, savings, and other medication issues.
She received her doctorate in pharmacy at the University of Texas at Austin in 2013 and her master’s in business at the Quantic School of Business and Technology in 2019.
When Dr. Phan isn’t practicing pharmacy, she enjoys walking or hiking with her husband and two dogs. She also tries to find time for her other hobbies, which include rock climbing, running, and playing pickleball.
Nathan Walker
Director of Information Technology
Nathan Walker maintains the website, along with the tools PharmacyChecker uses to accredit and monitor pharmacies in its International Pharmacy Verification Program. He also manages the PharmacyChecker Listing Program, facilitating the organization and publication of international mail order and U.S. pharmacy coupon drug price comparisons on
Nathan received a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Delaware, where he spent time working in Nanophotonics and Materials Science labs and became interested in programming. He has held positions as an educator, teaching science, engineering, math, and music.
Nathan enjoys performing and recording music, DIY projects, biology, technology, religion, and philosophy.
Jordan Burns, CPhT
Pharmacy Information and Compliance Manager
Jordan Burns is responsible for managing the verification of online and dispensing pharmacy safety credentials in the PharmacyChecker Verification Program under the direction of the Vice President for Pharmacy Verification and Information. She conducts audits of pharmacies, ensuring licenses are verified, and website marketing claims are truthful, among other high standards of international online pharmacy practice. She also manages patient-consumer relations on Ask PharmacyChecker. Jordan has been a National Board Certified Pharmacy Technician, licensed in Arizona, since 2008. She has held numerous management positions in various pharmacy settings. As Associate Manager, Pharmacy Technician for Banner University Medical Center Tucson, she led the inpatient pharmacy compliance team; responsible for USP 797 and 800 documentation, yearly technician validation testing, and Joint Commission preparedness work.
Jordan earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration- Healthcare Management Degree from Western Governors University’s College of Business.
Jordan is an avid runner and strongly believes in the power of movement as a form of medicine.
Consejeros de PharmacyChecker
Gabriel Levitt, MA
Mr. Levitt co-founded PharmacyChecker in 2002, starting out as director of research and operations and serving for eight years as the company’s president. He continues to advise the company on matters relating to public policy and advocacy. He is the founder of Prescription Justice, a non-profit organization dedicated to lowering drug prices in America, and the Prescription Justice Institute, which is committed to putting patient access to healthcare first in the digital global marketplace. Mr. Levitt has testified before Congress on issues relating to access to affordable medicines and Internet freedom, published many reports and op-eds relating to online pharmacies, personal drug importation, and drug prices, and is the proud author of a chapter in Hacking Politics, an anthology about defeating the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). He formerly served on the board of advisors for the Business Initiative for Health Policy (BIHP). Mr. Levitt is the president emeritus of the United Nations Association Brooklyn Chapter. He received his M.A. in International Relations from American University and a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Political Science from Roger Williams University. He is currently pursuing a law degree at Brooklyn Law School. Follow Gabe's work on prescription drug law, regulations and policy at
Andrew Brown, PharmD
Andrew Brown asesora el Programa de Verificación de, y supervisa el control de calidad y cumplimiento de las normas de calidad. Trabajó como farmacéutico en Walgreens brindando atención a todo tipo de pacientes, y en la creación de compuestos farmacéuticos con concentración en compuestos asépticos QA/QC. Acreditado en com-puestos asépticos, tiene vasta experiencia en el cumplimiento de las prác-ticas correctas de fabricación (GMP) en instalaciones designadas. Cuenta también con experiencia en la aplicación de las normas de la documentación de buenas prácticas (GDP), la realización de acciones preventivas y correctivas (CAPA), y análisis de causas subyacentes. Es miembro de la Sociedad Americana por la Calidad, y de la Sociedad Americana de Farmacéuticos del Sistema de Salud. Andrew recibió su doctorado en Farmacéutica de Albany College of Pharmacy.
Recopilación de Informacion
Los precios de las distintas farmacias se recolectan periódicamente de manera electrónica, usando una exclusiva tecnología de rastreo, o bien analizando directamente la información sobre precios que ofrecen las farmacias en línea. PharmacyChecker busca igualar, contrastar y dar a co-nocer los precios de productos similares siempre que sea posible.
Licencias Farmacéuticas
Las licencias de cada farmacia se comprueban directamente con el consejo farmacéutico del lugar que le corresponda.
Perfiles de Las Farmacias proporciona información detallada de cada perfil de las farmacias disponibles en línea. La información sobre las políticas, procedimientos, contactos, etc., se recoge directamente desde distintos sitios de internet, para luego corroborarla y verificarla consultando directamente con los mismos sitios.
Ejemplo de un Perfil de Farmacia en Línea
Propiedad, Afiliaciones y Fuentes de Ingreso, LLC es una compañía privada establecida en el condado de Westchester, New York. no está afiliada con ninguna farmacia ni fabricante o distribuidor de productos médicos. Está afiliada con, un evaluador independiente de suplementos dietéticos y productos nutritivos. Se generan ingresos gracias a las cuotas por el programa de verificación, las listas de farmacias y por la publicidad.
Comentarios del Publico en General
PharmacyChecker está abierto a recibir comentarios de cualquier interesado (consumidores, minoristas, profesionales de la salud, académicos, fabricantes, agencias estatales, grupos comerciales, etc.). Envíe sus comentarios y preguntas a