10 mg

Precios de Levitra - (vardenafil)

Medicamentos Relacionados: Vardenafil ODT

Antes de comprar Levitra, encuentre los precios más bajos Levitra 10 mg en las farmacias en línea verificadas por PharmacyChecker.

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Antes de comprar Levitra, encuentre los precios más bajos Levitra 10 mg en las farmacias en línea verificadas por PharmacyChecker.

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Erectile Dysfunction

PharmacyChecker provides people with information concerning causes, diagnosis, risks, and treatments associated with the condition of erectile dysfunction.

Levitra Savings & Safety Information

Levitra (vardenafil) is a prescription medication used to treat erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, the cost for this brand name drug only continues to rise. As of July 2019, Levitra 20 mg has an average retail price of $633 for ten tablets in the U.S. Not surprisingly, more and more people are turning to the Internet for less expensive options.

Simple economics teaches us that as generics and alternatives become available, lower prices should follow. As we became familiar with Viagra, then Cialis, Levitra, and their generics, we would hope to find affordability just around the corner. Ah, but this is not always the reality in the prescription drug world. Unfortunately, “erectile pricing” is not limited to ED drugs, but it’s a prime example of how generic availability doesn’t exactly equal financial relief.

There are savings options with discount cards at U.S. pharmacies, but typically a 20% savings is the best you can do. Through the online pharmacies in the PharmacyChecker Verification Program, you can find Levitra 20 mg internationally for as low as $9.38 per tablet, which is a significant increase from the $5.38 per pill we recorded last year.

Compare Levitra Prices

The good news? The generic is now available. The bad? It can still be very expensive at U.S. pharmacies (hello, erectile pricing!). Although the average retail price is now down from the $450 we recorded earlier this year, ten tablets of vardenafil still cost around $390. You can get the same amount for around $28 at international online pharmacies that we verify and monitor.

Compare Vardenafil Prices

View the chart below to see Levitra (vardenafil) generic and brand name costs depending on the savings route you choose.

Levitra (vardenafil) Cost in U.S. vs. Canada vs. Other International Pharmacies

Drug Strength (Quantity)

U.S. Average Retail Price

U.S. Prescription Discount Card Price

Canadian Pharmacy Price (with shipping)

International Pharmacy Price (with shipping)

Levitra 20 mg (10 tablets)





Vardenafil (generic Levitra) 20 mg (10 tablets)





Prices recorded July 2019

Neighborhood Pharmacy Levitra (vardenafil) Discounts

You may have noticed the U.S. Prescription Discount Card price in the chart above. Some people would prefer to shop locally, and that’s great! You can take advantage of savings at your local CVS, Walmart, or independent pharmacy by using the U.S. Prescription Discount Card. Print out the card and keep it in your wallet or simply download it to your phone to use every time you go to the pharmacy. Americans receive significant discounts at all major chains and most independent pharmacies nationwide on not just Levitra, but most prescription medications.

Get Levitra (vardenafil) Discounts

Talk to Your Doctor about Levitra Costs

Ask your clinician for an alternative prescription, for the generic or a medication used for the same indication as Levitra. There are several ED drugs out there. Work with your doctor to choose an affordable option that your insurance plan may cover or is generally less expensive, either at your neighborhood pharmacy or an accredited international online pharmacy.

Are you worried other erectile dysfunction medications won’t work as well? That’s a valid concern. See Dr. Patel’s advice in our Ask PharmacyChecker post:

What are my options if Viagra doesn't work for me?

Safety When Buying Levitra (vardenafil) Online

It is important to note that Levitra (vardenafil) and other erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra and Cialis, are known to be some of the most counterfeited medications sold online so take care not to be fooled by rogue online pharmacies that offer these brands without requiring a prescription. These sites are not verified by PharmacyChecker.com or another credentialing organization and may endanger your health or rip you off.

How to Spot Rogue Online Pharmacies

Is the Levitra or its generic, vardenafil, at international pharmacies the same as those sold in the United States?

According to the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), some medications sold outside the U.S. are the exact same and others are not. In many cases, medications sold in Canada and the U.S. are made in the same FDA-registered plants; the only difference is the packaging.

However, many medications sold in Canada and elsewhere are not the exact same but are foreign versions of the ones sold in the U.S., meaning they are not identical. Such medications may be manufactured in plants that are not registered with the FDA and may contain different inactive, pharmaceutical ingredients. To keep this in perspective, the generic drugs sold in the U.S., such as vardenafil, generic Levitra, are not identical to the brand.

So where is Levitra (vardenafil) manufactured?

Packaging of Levitra 10 mg sold in the United States shows that it is made in Germany. It’s worth noting that 71% of brand-name medication sold in the U.S. is manufactured outside of the U.S.

Levitra Packaging Label

Read more on Ask PharmacyChecker

Do you have any information on the generic Viagra, Cenforce, made in India?

How many Levitra pills can my doctor prescribe at one time?

Are there safe online pharmacies in Mexico?

Do you have questions or concerns about ordering ED drugs online or cutting costs at the pharmacy counter? PharmacyChecker is here for you.

Comment below or ask a question by logging in to My PharmacyChecker.

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El precio total incluye las tarifas de envío, que generalmente cubren un pedido completo, por lo que es más económico comprar varios medicamentos en el mismo orden.

Oficiales del gobierno de Estados Unidos han estipulado que los individuos que ordenen medicamentos que no estén controlados, desde Canadá o alguna otra fuente (con abasto para tres meses) para su uso personal, no pueden ser perseguidos o buscados por la justicia -aunque técnicamente no es legal que alguien importe la mayoría de los medicamentos. La FDA de EE. UU. regula los estándares de seguridad respecto a los efectos de los medicamentos a la venta en las farmacias estadounidenses. Los medicamentos a la venta fuera de EE. UU. están reguladas por las autoridades de sus propios países. Lea sobre cómo cambian las normas de país a país. Lea sobre cómo cambian las normas de país a país.

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El ícono de  significa que esta farmacia envía medicamentos de recetas médicas a través de sus propias farmacias o socios dispensarios en Canadá. Aparte, las farmacias en línea que tienen el ícono de Tier 1 únicamente envían medicamentos de recetas médicas a través de sus propias farmacias o socios dispensarios en Australia, Canadá, Israel, Nueva Zelanda, el Reino Unido o EE. UU. Estos países cuentan con organismos reguladores similares en cuanto a la industria farmacéutica. Por favor tome en cuenta que todas las farmacias en línea acreditadas por PharmacyChecker (tanto las que son Tier 1 como las que no) cumplen con los mismos estándares y requisitos estipulados por el Programa de Verificación PharmacyChecker.

Para mayor información sobre las farmacias internacionales Tier 1 haga clic aquí.

Las farmacias en línea que tienen el ícono de Tier 1 únicamente envían medicamentos de recetas médicas a través de sus propias farmacias o socios dispensarios en Australia, Canadá, Israel, Nueva Zelanda, el Reino Unido o EE. UU. Estos países cuentan con organismos reguladores similares en cuanto a la industria farmacéutica. Por favor tome en cuenta que todas las farmacias en línea acreditadas por PharmacyChecker (tanto las que son Tier 1 como las que no) cumplen con los mismos estándares y requisitos estipulados por el Programa de Verificación PharmacyChecker.

Para mayor información sobre las farmacias internacionales Tier 1 haga clic aquí.

Las farmacias en línea que tienen el ícono de  envían medicamentos de recetas médicas a través de sus propias farmacias o socios dispensarios en Australia, Canadá, Israel, Nueva Zelanda, el Reino Unido, Turquia, Mauritius, o India. Por favor tome en cuenta que todas las farmacias en línea acreditadas por PharmacyChecker (tanto las que son Tier 1 como las que no) cumplen con los mismos estándares y requisitos estipulados por el Programa de Verificación PharmacyChecker.

Para información sobre las farmacias internacionales Tier 1 haga clic aquí.

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