I apologize to be writing on the review page I am a pensioner, from South Africa. I'm looking for the best price for Xarel... Read more
Patients and Health Professionals Recommend PharmacyChecker Savings & Safety Information
Have PharmacyChecker price comparisons and online pharmacy verification helped you afford your prescription medication?
My husband takes Xarelto, 20 mg. It is over $715.00 for a 90 day supply at Walmart. I am able to get it from an offshore pharmacy for less than $50.00 for a 90 day supply. If not, we could not afford Xarelto and would be forced to use warfarin which can be problematic to contra and involve frequent blood tests.
I have used PharmacyChecker when ordering all of my drugs from Canada to compare prices. I also feel it offers good information concerning drugs and input on what is developing in the pharmaceutical industry.
It’s now been a few years of saving 1000’s of dollars a year on drugs that cost 20 times [as much] at Costco than what we can get them for in Canada. Proud to be a Canadian and support a Canadian company that has proven to be a reliable partner in sustaining our health, both personally and financially.
My Doctor put me on Farxiga and Eliquis and both were very high cost drugs. Farxiga was over $400.00 for a 90 day supply and Eliquis was over $130.00 for a 30 day supply. I used [a PharmacyChecker-accredited online pharmacy] and now I Pay only $94.95 which includes shipping for an 84 day supply. On Eliquis I pay $82.95 which includes shipping for a 90 day supply. The best part is I don't go thru my insurance so this cost does not go against my Doughnut Hole Total.
I was paying $550 per month in May 2023 for Eliquis last year. The price dropped this year to approximately $260 per month. That is with a very good Medicare Plan D. I started buying from a pharmacy verified by PharmacyChecker.com. I am paying $107 delivered for 174 Eliquis pills at 5mg. That is for basically 3 months supply for $107 versus $1650 last year. Made by Pfizer.
Good Morning, Not only are US citizens overcharged on brand name drugs, there are no generics available due to patent agreements. I take Eliquis, the generic is apixaban, which is not available here. I buy it online through PharmacyChecker for a fraction of the price. I am on Medicare and even with an expensive no deductible Part D plan, I was reaching the “doughnut hole”, because of the expense of Eliquis prior to year end. The result being I was paying out of pocket, almost triple the price while it was covered.Now [because of] PharmacyChecker I have changed to a much less expensive Part D plan, all my other drugs are covered and I purchase the generic Apixaban through PharmacyChecker [accredited online pharmacies]. It’s a huge savings.Thank you PharmacyChecker.
I Love you guys. Big pharma needs a checker!
I thank you for your help. I buy my Dapagliflozin from [a PharmacyChecker-accredited online pharmacy] for around $30 for #90. I also buy my Dofetilide 180 caps for $30 from [an online pharmacy in Kentucky]. Very grateful to find out [about] PharmacyChecker and I recommend it to friends frequently.
I have been using PharmacyChecker for over a year and would not be able to afford the same med here. Knowing that pharmaceutical companies have labs all over the world, I looked up my expensive med. What a difference in obtaining a life saving medicine. I would probably be dead or have had a stroke if I didn't take this medicine. Thank you PharmacyChecker!!!!
I have been using [my chosen PharmacyChecker-accredited pharmacy] to purchase Anoro, a non-steroid inhaler for asthma. In the US it would cost me at Publix my pharmacy $421. I have Part D insurance with AARP but it is their cheapest policy with a $450 deductible. When I purchase Anoro from Canada, they give you the option of buying from there or overseas: in my case, Turkey, the cost is $68 plus about $10 dollars in shipping. It takes longer to get it, but if you give them about 4-6 weeks lead time, you will get your medicine at a reduced cost to you.
PharmacyChecker.com, started by a physician, connects patients to overseas mail-order pharmacies, which it vets for quality. It's a good resource for patients who want to import medicines as a way to reduce their drug costs.
Yes, I wholeheartedly recommend PharmacyChecker, giving you options to purchase legitimate drugs without paying the USA prices favouring pharmaceutical companies, not the needs of the individual. I use Eliquis, an expensive overvalued drug that USA Congress prevents from being generically produced (favouring Pfizer that controls the vote). Through PC, I filled my Eliquis prescription at an Istanbul pharmacy at an extremely reasonable cost, mailed directly to me. Outside the USA, governments generally favour the purchaser over big business. For high priced medications buying in other responsible countries is the way to go.
I purchase generic Xarelto for my husband from [an accredited international pharmacy] at a cost of $55.00 including shipping for 90 pills. 90 Xarelto (there is no generic available in the USA) costs $715.00 at Walmart. If I was not able to obtain the drug at a reduced price thru Canada, he would have to take warfarin instead.
Jardiance 25 mg. $135 in stage 1 and 2. Then jumps to over $500 in gap..then in catastrophic it lowers to around $90. I get 90 days worth from an accredited Canadian Parmacy for about $64. I dont even bother with my Part D any longer on this med.
My 90 day PRADAXA costs nearly $600 through my AETNA Adv plan, and only $107 through Canada.
I just wanted to say thank you! I've been using your website since at least 2010. I am a service-connected disabled veteran whose work & income were reduced by the Covid Pandemic, who hasn't worked much in several years (due to various reasons). So I am really grateful for your website!! Take care & God Bless.
Truly Grateful. Absolutely love and appreciate the work that these people do which is TREMENDOUS on so many levels as far as helping humanity. THANK YOU all you good people up in Canada and God bless you forever please don't ever quit this vitally important work that you do 🙏🏼
I would highly recommend Canada Cloud Pharmacy. From the comfort I felt in their website to the competent, patient and kind Pavan on the phone helping me set up my first order with Canada Cloud, they delivered exactly what I needed. The cost of the prescription is allowing me to continue using it as it has become cost prohibitive this year in the U.S. Thank you Canada Cloud. And thank you Pharmacy Checker for the service you provide.
I spoke to Donna Miller today she was verypatient and answered my questions about your service. In my opinion Donna is an asset to Pharmacy Checker.
Thanks for saving me money. American drug companies are terrible! Until you came on the scene, I was (physically) importing drugs from Canada. Thanks again.
Short and sweet: Thank you, I was able to buy my drugs at a huge discount. Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless.
At our local clinic, we never want to hurt our local hometown pharmacy's business, but if it comes down to a patient being able to afford to take a necessary medication or go without, we choose to help them out by referring them to PharmacyChecker.com.
Thank you!
Online pharmacy turned out to be the only solution for us to afford an (otherwise) expensive prescription for blood pressure medication.
I have used CIPA-accredited pharmacies for years, and when I discovered PharmacyChecker I was pleased I could easily compare prices at different Canadian international pharmacies. It permitted me to take advantage of price match guarantees offered by many of these pharmacies. Your certification process has also made me more confident about the safety of the drugs offered by these pharmacies.
So wonderful to have choices with your company. I live in the US and cannot afford the drugs here. I thank you for the excellent quality, service, safety, but most of all savings. I have recommended you to many and will continue to, as I feel confident they will have the same great experience!
I met a neighbor on the street today and complained to her about the price of my Rx heart medication. I told her what I was going to be charged. Then she said, go to pharmacychecker and get some info there about Rx prices. I did just that and I sent my cardiologist's NP an email telling her about the situation. As soon as I find the affordable price and all acceptable details, I'll order online from the pharmacy that will give me the best price. As we parted, my neighbor turned to me and said, "See? It pays to complain."
PharmacyChecker has been helpful by teaching the right questions to ask pharmacists, helping us compare costs and letting us know that less expensive Canadian drugs could be a viable option. We just want to be able to take the drugs our doctors prescribe. So we can feel better or live longer or heal. We cannot take those drugs if we cannot afford them.
In 2013, I was diagnosed with COPD and was shocked at the price of the inhalers prescribed. One evening while checking my emails, I received an email from PharmacyChecker showing approved pharmacies in Canada. I was impressed with the information given, so I looked up the prices for my inhalers and other medications I am taking. I ordered from the list given by PharmacyChecker the very next day. I have been very pleased with my order and have been a customer ever since. I check PharmacyChecker before placing my orders to be sure I am getting my medicine from an approved source at the best prices. This has been such a savings for me.
Thank you so very much for your website and permitting me the ability to purchase medications from Canada and abroad. I am able to compare the cost of medications very easily and and am able to make wise choices. Please continue your service.
Thank you so much for your ongoing help as I try to find a pharmacy. You have given above average assistance and I greatly appreciate it.
I really love your website. It has saved our family a lot of money over the past couple of years. Drugs are so expensive. We need to find the lowest cost drugs to meet our budget. Thank you for your service.
Just had to tell you that I appreciate very much what you do. You are doing a superb job and providing a wonderful service.
THANK YOU! I didn't know about your website. Just happened upon it. I'm glad I did, and I will be checking the site regularly. I was absolutely outraged to learn of the price differences for Name Brand Medications in the US and Canada, etc. Our tax dollars are hard at work...
Pharmacy Checker has saved me a ton of money. I only had a problem one time. I did not receive my meds. The situation was quickly rectified. A new order was placed. I received this one. Everyone (no matter which pharmacy you use) is very friendly; they have also honored any lower price I find from another Canadian pharmacy. Thank you PharmacyChecker!!!
Our patients are held hostage by these outrageous pharmaceutical costs in the US. I am grateful to have discovered PharmacyChecker as well, as are my patients. Last week, I saw one of my patients who is an RN with Parkinson's disease; she was in the "donut hole" with Medicare and no longer able to afford her medications. Because of PharmacyChecker, she is now back on her meds. She is telling all of her friends about your website. Your work makes a huge difference in the world.
I would like to thank you for the information you have provided with regard to purchasing Bayer's Climara Pro Patch. I truly appreciate your time, as well as your professional and reliable advice.
I am a veteran user and go right to the site whenever I shop for a new pill or check a price for an older one. Canadian Pharmacies have given me flawless service for 15 or 20 years. Thanks to one and all.
You provide life saving medicine information. Thank you PharmacyChecker.com.
Superb support. PharmacyChecker has provided an outstanding service in keeping the USA greedy pharms and manufacturers from...their quest to literally hurt people for excessive profits. With PharmacyChecker's help, I continue to buy my wife's very expensive drugs for 60-70% less. Thanks...thanks...thanks...
I'm on Medicare, which has what they call a "donut hole." If I have no other meds [besides Eliquis] in the "total," I'll hit the hole in Oct. Add in an inhaler I get through the drug company's help program and I'll hit it in Apr. By using your pharmacies, I will get the product at the same price I pay out-of-pocket, but it won't be applied to the total cost. I figure 3 months' supply at the beginning and end of the year and I'll save a lot.
I was put on Xarelto. After one and half months of my insurance paying for this drug, I could not afford the medication. So I looked online and found PharmacyChecker. I then with a prescription ordered my Xarelto from one of their recommended pharmacies, and paid $348.00 for a three month supply of Xarelto... I'm very pleased and happy with PharmacyChecker and my Canadian pharmacy recommended by them. Without them, I would not be able to take my Xarelto. Thank you for your great service.
My eye drops cost $175.00 because it is a Tier 3 drug. It lasts less than one month being used once a day. I buy this now from Canada for $14.95 plus shipping. It just seems ludicrous that there is so much difference. Thank you Canada.
I have found your information incredibly advantageous, money saving in comparison to other pharmacy prices. I thank you for these announcements and please keep me on your mailing list. Thank you.
I have used PharmacyChecker for me and my wife. Drugs we need are very expensive and with no insurance and limited income we could not otherwise afford them. It is the research tool I have found. Thank you so much.
I looked and looked for a Canadian pharmacy that had the exact brand drug at a better price than I could find in the US and couldn't find one. Thanks to your site I found a great price on the exact brand name drug! Just wanted you to know.
I've shown several doctors PhamacyChecker.com and I know for a fact that they have shared it with many of their patients. They have all thanked me for leading down that path and, in essence, they have thanked you.
You have done a great job with this site. It's thorough, quick and runs beautifully. Plus I'm using Canadian vendors and have saved a bunch of money. Thank you.
For the past 8 months I have been using an online pharmacy from PharmacyChecker.com to order my father's medications. We have had nothing but success with this pharmacy. He receives his medications in a timely fashion and it saves him a substantial amount of money. Thanks for your service.
I just wanted to pass along my thanks for your website. It helped me make an educated decision on the Canadian pharmacy to choose. I especially found the comments helpful, as ratings and such are helpful -- it's the end users that tell it like it is. So in closing, thank you for your website. Keep up the good work.
I am so thankful to have PharmacyChecker.com and check it often now that we are retired and we are so worried about prescription drug prices. We appreciate you having this website.
Awesome and totally saved me when I had insurance that didn't cover my prescription like it should have. It was really hard for me to find a way to afford the prescription I needed and no one seemed to be able to tell where to even start. I really appreciate the service you provide.
Thank you for your newsletter. I applaud your efforts on behalf of patients whose lives depend on reliable pharmacies.
I am quite pleased with PharmacyChecker and do not purchase without checking with you, I particularly like the countries of drug origin and the thoroughness of drug pricing and shipping cost.
Thank God for your company... And all of you!!!
I have saved 50% or more using the highly-rated, cost-effective, pharmacies recommended by PharmacyChecker.com
I am on a fixed income and retired and this really helps me. Thank you again so much again.